Studying with us during coronavirus

Studying with us during coronavirus in 2020 to 2021

How you will learn when you start your College Study

We have put everything in place so you will get a great learning experience and lots of support when you start your course in autumn 2020 or spring 2021. We want to do this in a flexible way that works for you and follows government advice around keeping safe. 

  • We are planning to teach you through a mix of online virtual and face-to-face learning during autumn 2020 and spring 2021 but at present, everything is online.
  • This means we can keep everyone safe while aiming to give you some opportunities to come onto campus and use some facilities such as the library.
  • You would study on blended learning that starts with fully online virtual learning during the autumn term and small face-to-face classes during the spring term.
  • If you cannot make it to campus for whatever reason, we will work to make sure you can start your course fully online.
    The Islamic College has evaluated the circumstances in conjunction with Middlesex University in support of students. This would ensure that you have the best education possible, from our student support services going online to virtual social discussions. Based on our experience of delivering distance learning for our Masters programmes, we have been working to introduce online learning to undergraduate students. So we’re well prepared to teach you online this autumn. You will be taught through a blend of online lectures, workshops and problem-solving sessions. These will be supported by online module notes, pre-recorded video content, online classroom discussions and interactive activities.

Virtual Learning at the College

Desire2learn is the Islamic College’s online learning support area for candidates. This is a place where you can find online materials to support your studies together with discussion areas, module information and calendar dates. As a student of the college you would be entitled to access all modules which are supported online through our virtual learning environment. The VLE is designed for the mobile world—and the platform can be accessed from any mobile device for a true anywhere, anytime, any device learning experience.

The VLE allows learners to learn on their terms, proceed through content at their own pace, and access learning from any device. Students get personalised feedback to keep motivated, on track, and engaged. It makes it easy for learners to connect, participate in forums and discussions, and view each other’s profiles. It gives portfolios to staff to reflect on learning, showcase growth, and celebrate achievements. It also identifies and tracks high-risk learners, proactively alerts the staff to step in and offer help. By engaging with e- learning you will also be developing skills which are essential for your learning and are also highly valued by employers. These include but are not limited to: working flexibly, communication, understanding of IT, team working and creating shared understandings based on quality resources and access to global expertise.

Each student will be assigned a personal tutor through the programme leaders who will meet with students regularly online or face-to-face depending on circumstances to provide them with guidance and support regarding their academic performance, personal growth and development. Students may seek advice from their personal tutor regarding issues and difficulties that may affect their studies during tutorial sessions. Apart from normal class and tutorial time, staff members may be contacted during officially announced office hours.

Student Risk Assessment

As we start our academic year welcoming students to The Islamic College, we realise that some of you may be concerned about having to come onto college and how best to protect yourself against COVID-19. Please be assured that the college is following Public Health England guidance within our approach.

Please note that if you, or someone you share a household with, receive a positive COVID-19 result or instruction to shield, you should inform The Islamic College immediately so that we can advise you on the steps you need to take in relation to your studies and wellbeing. If you need to declare a positive COVID-19 test, please email the registry, if you, or someone you live with, develop symptoms of COVID-19, please self-isolate for 14 days.

The symptoms are a high temperature, a new or continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell. If studying your course means that you have to come onto campus and you have concerns about a personal characteristic or condition that may increase your vulnerability to COVID-19,

Students coming to the college are asked to complete a risk assessment form. Once you have completed the online form you will receive an automated email which assesses your level of risk based on the answers you provide. You may recomplete the risk assessment at any time, if your health or circumstances change. All information provided within this document will remain confidential and secure in line with GDPR. This information will be visible to staff from Student Support, who are available to support you in considering safe access to the college and the library, and to staff at a college.


If you develop COVID-19 symptoms you should get tested.

The main symptoms are:

  • Continuous cough
  • Temperature or fever
  • Loss/change in taste
  • Loss/change in smell

If you test positive for COVID-19, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting the Head of Registry on 0208 451 9993 or email The quicker you tell us, the better we can support you by sending you information on next steps and how to look after yourself. You can find out more on what your test results mean via the NHS website, but please make sure you follow any individual advice given to you by the NHS. You may also be contacted by NHS Track and Trace to identify anyone you may have been in contact with recently so they can also be tested. If you’re experiencing mild symptoms, the NHS provide some steps you can take to treat these at home. However, if you’re unable to cope with the symptoms of COVID-19 at home, for example if you feel breathless and it’s getting worse, or your symptoms are getting worse, please use the NHS 111 online Coronavirus service. Try to stay away from people you live with.


If you have symptoms, you should stay away from other people you live with as much as possible.

If you can:

  • stay on your own in one room as much as possible and keep the door closed
  • avoid using shared spaces (such as the kitchen) at the same time as other people – eat your meals in your room
  • use a separate bathroom – otherwise, use the bathroom after everyone else and clean it each time you use it, for example, by wiping the surfaces you’ve touched. Find out more on the NHS website.

Emergency help

Call 999 for an ambulance if you or someone you care for:

  • Are struggling to breathe
  • Are coughing up blood
  • Have blue lips or a blue face
  • Feel cold and sweaty, with pale or blotchy skin
  • Have a rash that does not fade when you roll a glass over it
  • Collapse or faint
  • Become confused or very drowsy
  • Have stopped peeing or are peeing much less than usual

Tell the operator you might have coronavirus symptoms.


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