MIN 406 – Islamic Philosophy
• The Meaning and Sources of Islamic Philosophy and Theology
• Early philosophical theology, Major Representatives and Issues
• Beginnings of Systematic Philosophy: al-Kindi and the Peripatetic School
• al-Farabi: From Cosmology to Political Philosophy
• Ibn Sina and the Problem of Being
• Ibn Sina Between Philosophy and Mysticism
• Anti-philosophy: al-Ghazali and His Critiques of Islamic philosophy
• Strangers in the Land of Philosophy: Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Tufail, and Ibn Bajjah
• When Philosophy Goes Beyond Formal Logic: Suhrawardi and the Rise of Philosophical Mysticism
• Philosophy as Mysticism: Ibn al-Arabi, Mulla Sadra, and Later Islamic Philosophy
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
Assessment Modes
Individual coursework of 3500 words demonstrating ability to debate and explore ideas.
Assessment Weighting
Individual coursework: 100%
Learning materials
Core readings
Corbin, H. (2014) History of Islamic Philosophy. Routledge; Reprint edition
Fakhry, M. (1997) Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Mysticism, A Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leaman, O. (2002) A Brief Introduction to Islamic Philosophy. UK: Polity Press.
Leaman, O. (1985) An Introduction to Medieval Islamic Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nasr, S. H. (2006). Islamic Philosophy from the Origin to the Present. SUNY.
Nasr,S.H and Leaman O. Eds. (1996) History of Islamic Philosophy, 2 vols. London: Routledge
Rizvi, S., and Safavi S.G (2003), Mulla Sadra: Philosopher of The Mystics. Islamic Text Society.
Suhrawardi (2000), Philosophy of Illumination (Brigham Young University’s Islamic Translation). USA: University of Chicago Press
Watt, W. M. (1985) Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
New Release
- Classical Texts
Shi‘i Theology (Kashf al-Murad fi Sharh Tajrid al-I‘tiqad)
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