
Liberated Soul


Author: Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani

Translator: Tawus Raja

Cover: Paperback


Availability: Available on back-order

Liberated Soul, a translation of the Persian work Ruh-i Mujarrad, is a tribute to a less-known, yet profound Muslim mystic of the twentieth century, Sayyid Hashim Haddad (1900-1984), written soon after his death by one of his top students in spirituality.

The author introduces and expounds on Haddadʼs character and principles as he discusses his journeys to Karbala to meet his spiritual master. The book also includes a rich selection of Arabic and Persian mystical poems which have been elegantly rendered into English, enabling the reader to have a taste of the mystical tradition. The book features an extensive section on Ibn ʻArabiʼs Shiʻi inclinations, and his theory of wahdat al-wujud.

Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani (1926-1995) was a spiritually-oriented Shiʻa Muslim scholar of the twentieth century and a close student of ʻAllamah Tabatabaʼi.

He authored over fifty volumes on a variety of Islamic sciences with a mystical approach. Among these are a series of multi-volume books on the following topics: Allahology (3 vols.), Imamology (18 vols.), Eschatology (10 vols.), and Quranology (4 vols.).

Weight1.5 kg
Dimensions230 × 156 × 40 mm
Cover Type


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