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Our undergraduate courses provide you with an opportunity to study the foundation and development of Islamic knowledge from a broad and multidisciplinary perspective. The course includes core modules on Islamic studies, while giving you the flexibility to choose from a broad selection of related courses on Islam and Muslim society.
Our postgraduate courses offer students the opportunity to gain comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of Islam in both historical and modern contexts. It also engages students with some of the central issues confronting Muslims and Muslim societies today.

The Distance Learning department at the Islamic College offers a wide range of foundation courses which can provide enhance understanding of a particular subject or be used as a stepping stone for the DE degree – equivalent program

The Islamic College offers a two new MA – Equivalent Programmes, MA – Equivalent in Islamic Philosophy & MA – Equivalent in Exegesis and Quranic Sciences. The Certificate will be issued by the Islamic College.

The Islamic College offers a number of short learning programmes where learners study their chosen subject/s following an academic approach but without the requirement of a formal assessment. The short courses consist of different individual modules that can be completed within few weeks. On completion of course, students will receive an in-house certificate.

Hawza Studeis is one of the Islamic College’s academic Departments which, while sharing with them their high standards of academic excellence, also differs from them in one important respect; it embodies and presents the time-honoured and long-standing ethos of traditional Hawza Ilmiyyas all around the world. 

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