Islamic Art & Illumination

Through a total of 24-hours of instruction, you will learn how to build and design traditional Islamic Art and Illumination (Islamic Geometric Design & Arabesque).

This course is limited to 15 seats and will be held on Fridays 18:00-21:00. The starting date is 22nd of June 2018. Registration is Mandatory and beginners are welcome. (Age 16+)

Fees: £220 (Limited scholarship is available)

To register:

Please complete this form or contact the Short Course Department by email: sh**********@is*************.uk

Teaching Tazhib (Arabesque/ illumination)

Materials: papers (A4), pencils, rubber, sharper, mount board, brush and ink (The Islamic College will provide all the necessary materials throughout this course.)



Section 1:

6:30-7:00 → Show different pictures of Islamic art (Islamic, Khataei and miniature).

7: 00-7:30→teaching how to draw lines and distinguish differences between the lines in Islamic art and the one using in modern arts.

7:30-8:30→drawing basic forms of flowers. Have them draw some work at home including something from their own choice


Section 2:

6:30–6:45 → checking the works and homework

6:45-7:30→ Demonstrate to them leafs and other elements to create new flowers and leaves

7:30-8:00→give the student ample time to do their own work and drawing.

8:00-8:30→put all the works on the Floor and then comparing


Section 3:

6:30–6:45 → checking the works and homework

6:45-7:30→ Demonstrate what the spiral and rotation means in Tazhib.

7:30-8:00→give the student time to work and practice.

8:00-8:30→put all the works on the Floor and then comparing


Section 4:

6:30–6:45 → checking the works and homework

6:45-7:30→ put all flowers and forms we learn in the first and second sections on the Spiral

7:30-8:00→give the student time to work and practice.

8:00-8:30→put all the works on the Floor and then comparing


Section 5:

6:30–7:30 → checking the works and homework

7:30-8:00→give the students time to work and correct their mistakes

8:00-8:30→put all the works on the Floor and then comparing


Section 6:

6:30–6:45 → checking the works and homework

6:45-7:30→ Adding another spiral to the one they already learn in section 3&4

7:30-8:00→give the student time to work and practice.

8:00-8:30→put all the works on the Floor and then comparing


Section 7:

6:30–6:45 → checking the works and homework

6:45-8:00→ find a specific form such as a border, Torang and Shamse to start our first work

8:00-8:30→disscuse about what we are going to do for next section


Section 8:

6:30–8:30→ checking the works and homework. Each student has few minutes to represent his/her work


Section 9:

6:30–8:30→ checking the works and homework. Each one has few minutes to represent his/her work


Section 10:

6:30–6:45 → checking the final work

6:45-8:30→ Stat sizing the mount boards


Section 11:

6:30–6:45 → checking the mount boards

6:45-8:30→ burnishing and tracing the work on the mount board


Section 12:

6:30–6:45 → checking the works

6:45-8:30→ finish tracing by using brush and ink to complete tracing for the final work


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