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Distance Learning


Admissions are still open for the 2022/23 academic year. If you wish to apply online

DE Personal Tutorship Programme

Studying via distance learning can be a complicated experience for some students. So, in order to assist students in completing their programmes successfully, the College is offering a Personal Tutors Programme.
Students Testimonials

Distance Education (DE) Department of the Islamic College organised a series of online training workshops to assist DE students, finalists, graduates, and all the interested people to gain a better understanding about a wide range of academic subjects in the area of Islamic Studies. These workshops are conducted through the e-learning platform of the Islamic College and All interested people are welcomed to attend. These workshops will be conducted in a weekly basis, every Saturday at 13:00 p.m. London time.

It is very simple and user-friendly to join these workshops. You just need to have a computer/laptop/mobile device connected to the internet. For further information please click here.

All DE applicants can submit their application for the upcoming academic year on-line via the DE enrolment system as well as monitor the progress of their application on the system.
Access digital archive collections, and published and unpublished works of faculty and researchers at The Islamic College.
The DE programmes are entirely online courses that are delivered through a virtual learning environment (D2L) on the basis of the SCATE pedagogic system recommended by Middlesex University.
If you have any questions or would like to know more regarding the DE programmes then please contact Dr Rezaee or Dr Azhar
Fees & Finance
All the courses offered have their own fee structure which are highlighted on the course pages. There are Scholarships available for this programme. Please see here for more detail.
Call Back Section
Please fill the form here to give you call back.
Postgraduate Courses

MA-Equivalent Islamic Studies - DE

This programme is aimed at deepening the students’ overall understanding of Islam within historical and modern contexts while providing an opportunity to study Quran, Hadith and other Islamic texts extensively. Alternatively, the course would suit those students whose first degree is not in Islamic Studies and are seeking to broaden their understanding of Islam.

MA-Equivalent Islamic Law

This program is structured to meet the needs of those who are looking for employment in the field of law and require expertise in Islamic law and its related branches as well as those who seek to carry on their studies to the PhD level and to become future lecturers or practitioners in the field.
Foundation Courses (Independent
Study Programmes)
The Distance Learning department at the Islamic College offers a wide range of foundation courses which can provide enhance understanding of a particular subject or be used as a stepping stone for the DE degree program. Some of the courses offered are Islamic Banking and Finance, Islamic Sources and Law and Islamic Belief and Thought.

Foundation Islamic Sources and Law – DE

This short course provides students with little academic background on Islamic studies a basic knowledge of Islamic core sources, i.e. the Quran and Hadith. Students are also taught on the history and structure of Islamic law, Principles of Jurisprudence (uşūl al-fiqh) and some major issues in Islamic law.

Foundation Islamic Belief and Thought - DE

This module will introduce students to the history of Islamic theology, philosophy and mysticism as it developed and flourished in the midst of Islamic faith and culture. The module will also examine modern debates within the larger context of Islamic thought and try to follow some recent arguments on social and political issues.

Foundation Islamic Theology – DE

Islamic Theology, one of the intellectual disciplines, was cultivated in Islamic tradition and has its roots in the Quran and hadith and its influence is seen on many different areas of Muslim thought.

Foundation Islamic Philosophy - DE

This course will systematically and critically examine, in a systematic and critical way, major schools of Islamic philosophy and the problems/issues around which these schools built their intellectual edifice.

Foundation Islam and Modern Politics – DE

This course examines the compatibility of Islam with modern political institutions through a study of Islamic political thought according to major schools and reinterpretations.

Foundation Islamic Mysticism - DE

As the conspicuous expression of Islamic spirituality, Islamic mysticism is indispensable for a deep understanding of the inner dimension of Islam.

Foundation Islam and Modernity – DE

The purpose of this course is to examine the impact of modernity on Muslim societies and the response Muslim thinkers and states have provided to the challenges of modernity.

Foundation Islamic Family Law - DE

This course presents an in-depth study of the Islamic family law in contemporary contexts. In Islamic family law general principles of Shari’a govern such matters as marriage, divorce, maintenance, paternity and custody of children and the module contains study of major issues of family law in Islam.

Foundation Human Rights and Islam – DE

This course will provide a theoretical and conceptual discourse to build a comparative study of human rights in Islamic Law and the secular communities, in particular the West.

Foundation Sources of Islamic Knowledge [Qur’an & Hadith] - DE

Taking as a starting point, the concept of “Islamic knowledge”, this course presents an in-depth study to the two fundamental sources of Islam.

Foundation Methods and Perspectives in Islamic Studies – DE

This course aims to familiarise students with the most important methodological approaches and schools in the field of Cultural Sciences.

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