ISD221 – Shi’i Islam

The aim of this module is enable students to study in some depth the history and the process of the evolution and development of Shi’a Islam in various parts of the world since the advent of Islam up to the modern time. The module is suitable for students who wish to better understand the ideological, historical and political aspects of Shi’a Islam in a holistic and inter-connected manner. It will trace back the historical roots of Shi’ism and examine the significance of the events occurring during the succession to the Prophet and their impact on later history; and look at doctrinal issues related to Shi’ism and how these different interpretations led to the development of various branches of Shi’a Islam. Moreover, it will discuss the historical spread of Shi’ism into various parts of the globe as well as some contemporary Shi’a thought.

Module Title : Shi'i Islam
Module Type: Designated
Program: BA Islamic Studies
Prerequisite(s): none
Credit(s): 10
Module Code: ISD221
Semester: ---
Component(s): Presentation: 40% - Written examination: 60%


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