Dr Emad Bazzi

Emad Bazzi received his secondary and tertiary education in Sydney, Australia, culminating in a PhD in Studies in Religion from Sydney University in 2003. The thesis was about Imam Khomeini and its title was (The Relationship between Mysticism and Politics in the Personality of Ayatollah Khomeini).
Starting in 2006, Dr. Bazzi was employed as Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Abu Dhabi University, teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies. The following two years Dr. Bazzi worked as Lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Leeds University in the U.K. (2007-2009).
Shortly before that time Dr. Bazzi developed an interest in the topic of Islam’s intellectual and institutional encounter with modernity. The product of his research in this topic was an E-Book entitled Islam and Modernity, commissioned by the Islamic College for Advanced Studies, based in London, and has been taught at that institution by Dr. Bazzi and other academics through Distance Learning since 2009. In the same vein Dr. Bazzi devised and taught two modules entitled Islam and Modernity and Modern Islamic Thought at Leeds University. From 2009 until 2015 Dr. Bazzi was employed as Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Khalifa University in the UAE. He continued teaching and research along the same lines. In that period, he published a number of articles in refereed journals on the themes of Islam’s encounter with modernity, Islam and Postmodernism and Turkey’s Dissonant Engagement with Modernity.
Dr. Bazzi has been associated with the Islamic College for Advanced Studies since 2003 teaching a host of modules related to Islamic Studies.
Currently Dr. Bazzi is engaged in research for a book project entitled Islam and the Intellectual Discourse of the Enlightenment.
- Islamic Laws (an annotated translation of the Tawdih al-Masa’il of al-Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani). Fully revised 4th edition in line with extensive changes to rulings (2023). London: The World Federation. Available via a mobile device application (‘OneStopFiqh’) and at https://fiqh.world-federation.org.
- ‘Is Ziyārat ʿĀshūrāʾ Authentic? A Discussion in ʿIlm al-Rijāl’ in Al-Qalam Journal of Advanced Islamic Research, Issue 1 (2023). London: International Centre for Advanced Islamic Research. Available at https://www.world-federation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Is-Ziyarat-%CA%BFAshura%CA%BE-Authentic-M.-A.-Ismail-1.pdf.
- Spiritual Development Programme for Madrasah Teachers Manual (2nd. ed. 2023). London: The World Federation.
- Spiritual Development Programme for Madrasah Teachers Workbook (2nd ed. 2023). London: The World Federation.
- Foundations of Arabic Grammar: A Parallel Arabic-English Textbook (2017). London: ICAS Press. (Co-editor)
- Islamic Laws (an annotated translation of the Tawdih al-Masa’il of al-Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani). Volume Two: Transactions (2017). London: The World Federation.
- ‘A Comparative Study of Islamic Feminist and Traditional Shi‘i Approaches to Qur’anic Exegesis’ in the Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies, vol. 9, no. 2 (Spring 2016). London: ICAS Press.
- Desire of the Aspirant: On the Etiquette of the Teacher and the Student. (2016). London: ICAS Press. (Co-editor)
- Islamic Laws (an annotated translation of the Tawdih al-Masa’il of al-Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani). Volume One: Ritual Acts of Worship (2015). London: The World Federation.
- ‘The Spiritual Aspects of Hajj: A Translation of Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin’s (A) Discourse on Hajj with al-Shibli’ in the Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies, vol. 7, no. 3 (Summer 2014). London: ICAS Press.
- Caravan of the Sun: A play about the captives of Karbala (2014). London: MIU Press. (Editor)
- ‘Understanding the Qur’an in the Light of Nahj al-Balaghah’ in Humanity and Politics in the Nahj al-Balagha (2013). Peterborough: Islamic Thought.
- Faith and Reason (2006). London: The World Federation. (Co-translator)
- ‘The Meaning of the Word ‘Mawla’ in the Sermon of Ghadir’ in Ghadir in Different Nations (2003). Qum: Dalil-i Ma.
Education, Qualification and Training
Academic Qualifications
2003 PhD School of Studies in Religion / University of Sydney
1987 B.A. (Hons.) Arabic and Islamic Studies / University of Sydney
1990 Level III NAATI Certificates in Interpreting and Translation in the Arabic Language
1985 Level III Diploma Conference Interpreting / Macquarie University
Employment History
2003 – Current Adjunct Professor of Islamic Studies (Online Teaching)
Islamic College for Advanced Studies, London, UK
2009 – 2015 Assistant Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Khalifa University, UAE
2007- 2009 Lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies
Leeds University, UK
2006 – 2007 Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies
Abu Dhabi University, UAE
1993-1995 Project Coordinator
Australian Arabic Welfare Council
1985 -1990 Sessional Interpreter / Translator
Australian Government Departments (various)
1985 – 1990 Conference Interpreter
Ten International conferences in Australia and overseas
Please find a full CV
New Release
- Classical Texts
Shi‘i Theology (Kashf al-Murad fi Sharh Tajrid al-I‘tiqad)
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