Prof Latimah-Parvin Peerwani
Latimah-Parvin Peerwani is professor of Islamic Philosophy and Thought at ICAS Distance Learning Program. She was professor of Islamic Thought at the Institutes of Ismaili Studies , London, England for several years. She has studied at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon [M.A] in Middle Eastern Studies, and PhD in Islamic Philosophy and Persian Studies in Tehran University, Iran; she was visiting professor of the Dept. Of Islamic Studies of McGill University in Montreal Canada, and visiting professor of Islamic Philosophy of The Pontificio Instituto di Studi Arabi E D’Islamitica in Rome, and TCJC in Fort Worth, Texas USA. Some of her publications include: Qur’anic hermeneutics of the Light Verse: the view of Mulla Sadra Shirazi, published by ICAS, London 2002, “Imaginative perception and the Imaginal world according to Mulla Sadra”, Spiritual Psychology: The Fourth Intellectual Journey, vol. V111 and 1X, translated from Arabic to English, London, ICAS, 2008; “Man the Image of God according to Meister Eckhart and Mulla Sadra, in The Light of Dialogue, edited by Ali Paya, ICAS Press in London, 2013; “Abu Hatim Razi on the Essential Unity of Religions” in Becon of Knowledge: Essays in Honor of Seyyed Hussein Nasr, Kentucky Fons Vitaea, 2003; “Death and post-mortem states of the Soul: A comparative view of Mulla Sadra and Swedenborg” in ISIS, vol. 11, No.4, 2009. “Provision for travelers on the spiritual Path, published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institu of Philosophy, Moscow, 2015. She has published more than 35 articles in academic Journals, and also book chapters in English anthologies of Philosophy in Persia as well as several book reviews of works on Islamic Philosophy.
Research and Publications
Publications |
(1) “The Perennial Message of Islam as interpreted by Aga Khan III” published twice once in Ismaili Bulletin, vol.4, no. 6-7 , Karachi, Feb., March, 1978; second time in Ilm, Vol., 3, no. 4, published by the Ismaili Tarîqah Board of London, England, 1978.
(2) “The Concept of Knowledge and ta’lîm in the thought of the Fatimid thinker Nâsir-I Khusraw (d. cir. 1088)”, in the Proceedings of the Fatimid Symposium of History and Art held at SOAS, London, July 1986.
(3) “Religious Identity in Plural Societies: the case of Isma’ili Shias of Britain”, at the Pontificio Instituto di Studi Arabi E’Islamistien in Rome, published in their Proceedings in April, 1988.
(4) “Isma’ili Exegesis of the Qur’ân in Majâlis al-Mu’ayyadîyah of al-Mu’ayyad fî al-Dîn al-Shîrâzî” in British Middle Eastern Society’s Proceedings, July 1988.
(5) “The Concept of Intellect and the theory of Intellectual education according to the Fatimid thinker Nâsir-I Khusraw” in Ilm, vol. 12, no. 1, July 1989, published by the Ismaili Tariqah Board of London, England.
(6) “Nâsir-I Khusraw on the Ethics of Hajj (Pilgrimage)”, in Ilm, vol. 12, no. 2, 1989, published by the Ismaili Tarîqah Board of London, England.
(7) “Abû Hâtim al-Râzi (d. 934 AC) on the Essential Unity of Religions” in the Proceedings of AFEMAM-BRISMES Conference in Paris, 1990
(8) “Sadr al-Dîn Shîrâzî’s Commentary on the Shi’ite traditions on ‘Knowledge’ from Usûl al-Kâfî”, published in the Proceedings of the Convention of American Academy of Religions held in Washington in1990
(9) “Qur’nic hermeneutics: the views of Mulla adra al-Shirazi” in British Middle Eastern Society’s Proceedings, July, 1991.
(10) “Mullâ Sadrâ Shîrâzî’s Tafsîr al-Kabîr, an analysis” in the Convention of American Academy of Religions, in Kansas, USA in 1992
(11) “Book Review of Imaginal Worlds” by W. Chittick, in the British Journal of Middle Eastern Society, vol. 22, No. 1-2, 1995.
(12) “Nâsir-I Khusraw on the Interpretation (ta’wîl) of the Qur’ân.” In MESA’s Proceedings, 1996. You may find it in the Abstract of this year.
(13) “The role of visionary myths in the writings of Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi (d. 1191 AC)”, in British Middle Eastern Society’s Proceedings, July, 1992.
(14) “Mulla Sadra Shîrâzî on the Hermeneutic of the Qur’an: His Philosophical Meditation”, in Islam-West Philosophical Dialogue, vol. 10, Tehran: SIPRin, 1999 (The papers presented at the world congress on Mulla Sadra in May, 1999, in Tehran, Iran).
(15) “Dîdghâhe Mulla Sadra Shirazi darbâre-ye tafsîr-i Qur’an” [in Persian] in Majmû‘e maqâlât Humâyesh-I Jahâni-ye Hakîm Mulla Sadra, vol. 12, Khurdâd, 1378 Hijri Solar/1999, Tehran [in Persian language].
(16) “Imaginative Perception and the Imaginal World according to Mulla Sadra” in the Journal of Transcendent Philosophy, vol. 1:2, September, 2000
Annotated translation from Arabic and Persian to English of some Islamic philosophical themes from the following five Isma‘ili philosophical texts:
(17) Umm al-Kitâb (10th century Persian text)
(18) Kitâb al-Yanâbi‘ of Abû Ya‘qûb al-Sijistânî. (d. 10th century)
(19) Rasâ’il al-Ikhwân al-Safâ’ (10th century)
(20) Kitâb Jâmi al-hikmatayn of Nâsir-I Khusraw (d. circ 1088)
(21) Tasawurrât of Nasîr al-Dîn Tûsî. (d. 1274)
Published in An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, vol.2, ed. by S. H. Nasr and M. Aminrazavi (Oxford University Press, USA), 2001; also in the second edition published from London: I. B. Tauras Publishers in association with IIS, London, 2008.
(22) “Reincarnation or resurrection of the soul? Mullâ Sadrâ’s solution to the problem” in The Journal of Transcendent Philosophy, vol. 3:2 (2002)
(23) “Abû Hâtim Râzî on the Essential Unity of Religions” in Beacon of Knowledge: Essays in Honor of Seyyed Hossein Nasr, ed. by M. H. Faghfoory (Kentucky: Fons Vitae, 2003).
(24) “Mulla Sadra and the Theory of Causal Efficacy” in Mulla Sadra &Comparative Philosophy On Causation, ed. by S. G. Safavi (Iran: Salaman-Azadeh Publication, 2003).
(25) Annotated translation of Mullâ Sadra’s Tafsîr Âyat al-Nûr (Hermeneutics of the Light Verse of the Qur’ân) with Introduction and annotation. (London: ICAS publishers, 2004).
(26) “Mind-body relation according to Mulla Sadra”, paper presented at the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra in Tehran, Iran in May 2005, published in Mulla Sadra’s School and Western Philosophy, vol. 1, from SIPRiN, Iran.
(27) “Soul-body relation according to Avicenna”, presented at the International Colloquium on Bu-Ali Sina [Avicenna] in Hamedan University in Iran in August, 2005, published in the Conference Proceedings by Bu Ali Sina University in Hamedan, Iran.
(28) “Preface to the Qur’an” vol. 2, translated in English by Masoumeh Yazdanpanah, (Tehran: Deebâ, 2007).
(29) Spiritual Psychology: The Fourth Intellectual Journey volumes VIII & IX of The Asfâr of Mulla Sadra, translated from Arabic into English, with introduction and annotation, (London: ICAS, 2008).
(30) “Death and Post-Mortem States of the Soul: A Comparison of Mulla Sadra and Swedenborg: in JSIS, vol. 11, no.4, Autumn 2009, published by ICAS, London, UK.
(31) Annotated translation of some sections from Kitâb al-Irshâd [theological text] of Imam al-Haramayn Juwayni, in An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, vol.3, ed. by S. H. Nasr and M. Aminrazavi. London: I. B. Tauras Publishers in association with IIS, London, 2010
(32) Book Review of Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy by Ibrahim Kalin in JSIS, vol. IV, no. 1, 2011, published by ICAS, London, UK.
(33) Book Review of Mullâ Sadrâ and Metaphysics: Modulation of being by Sajjad Rizvi in the Journal of Philosophy East and West in April 2012.
(34) An annotated translation of some sections from Jâme al-Asrâr of Haydar Amuli, in An Anthology of Philosophy on Persia, vol. 4, ed. by S. H. Nasr and M. Aminrazavi. London: I. B. Tauras Publishers in association with IIS, London, 2013.
(35) “Man the Image of God according to Meister Eckhart and Mulla Sadra” in The Misty Land of Ideas and the Light of Dialogue, edited by Ali Paya, ICAS Press in London, 2013.
(36) Mulla Sadra: Provision for a Traveller on the spiritual path, annotated transl of Zad al musafir, published in Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook, no. 6, 2015, pp. 71-86 Published by the Russian Academy of Sciences , Institute of Philosophy, Moscow
(37) Co-Translator of Knowing the Imams, vol. 13, written by Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tihrani, published by Great Books of the Islamic World, 2019 distributed by Kazi publishers, Chicago, IL USA.
(1) Annotated translation from Arabic to English of some themes on the “Concept of Perfect Man in Islamic Philosophy” from Ta‘lîqât bar Asrâr al-âyât of Mulla Sadra by the Iranian philosopher Nûrî (d. 1830) in An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, vol. 5, ed. by S. H. Nasr and M. Aminrazavi, I. B. Tauras Publishers in association with IIS, London.
(2) Book review of Political Philosophy of Mulla Sadra by Seyyed Khalil Toussi, published by Routledge Studies in Islamic Philosophy, 2020.
(3) Co-Translator of Knowing the Imams, vol. 12, written by Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tihrani, to be published by Great Books of the Islamic World.
(4) Annotated translation in English with Introduction of Akhlâq-i Nâsiri or Ethical treatise by Nasir al-Din Tusi. Kazi Publishers in Chicago, USA, by winter this year.
Education, Qualification and Training
Gained PhD in Islamic Thought and Persian Studies from the University of Tehran, Iran. MA in Middle Eastern Studies from the American University of Beirut, in Lebanon, Diploma, In Indian classical vocal and instrumental music (sitar) from the Bharat Vidya Bhawan [Indian Cultural Centre] of London, England, Diploma in Counselling ethnic minorities, from Hounslow Youth Counselling Service, Middlesex, England.
Knowledge of Languages: Besides English: Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, Gujrati, Hindi, Punjabi, Saraiki, and working knowledge of French.
Teaching: Associate professor of Islamic Thought for the undergraduate and graduate students’ programme for several years at the Institute of Ismaili Studies in London, England; the Dept. of Islamic Studies of McGill University in Canada, visiting professor at The Pontificio Instituto di Studi Arabi E D’Islamistica in Rome, and TCJC in Fort-Worth, Texas, USA.
At present part time tutor online of some modules on Islamic Thought for Certificate and MA Open Study program of ICAS, London, UK.
Please find a full CV
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