Dr Saeid Sobhani

Dr Saeid Sobhani is a Shi’i scholar specialising in the main fields of the classical Islamic disciplines including theology, philosophy, jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence, exegesis of the Qur’an, history, biographical studies, and fundamentals of belief, on each of which he has authored a number of books and articles. Sobhani has studied under many grand scholars including Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli, Ayatollah Mirza Jawad Tabrizi, and Ayatollah Ja‘far Sobhani. His publications include Nayl al-Watar min Qa‘idat la Darar (The Jurisprudential Maxim of No Harm, 1999) and Jahan-bini va Shenakht (Epistemology, 1988).
Dirayah Studies: An Introduction. London: Contemporary Thoughts Press, 2025. (forthcoming)
Worldview and the Theory of Knowledge. London: Contemporary Thoughts Press, 2023.
Rijal Studies: an Introduction. London: Contemporary Thoughts Press, 2023.
Religious Diversity in Contemporary Shi’i Thought. London: ICAS Press, 2022.
Jahān-bīnī va Shinākht (Epistemology). Qom: Imam Ṣādiq Institute, 1988.
Nayl al-Waṭar min Qāʿidah lā Ḍarar (The Jurisprudential Maxim of No Harm). Qom: Imam Ṣādiq Institute, 1999.
Lubb al- ʾAthar fī al-Jabr wa al-Qadar (Predestination and Free will). Qom: Imam Ṣādiq Institute
“Prophet Muḥammad and his Miracles: Critiquing ʿAlī Dashtī’s View”, Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies (JSIS), 2025. (forthcoming)
“A Critical View on Sayyid Quṭb and the Status of Intellect (ʿAql)”, Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies (JSIS), 2024.
“The Role of Intellect in the Perspective of Imamiyyah Jurists”, al-Qalam Journal. 2024.
Imamate and the Principle of Loving-Kindness. The Journal of ‘Contemporary Study of Islam’ (JCSI). 2022.
Pluralism Dīnī dar Chishm Andāz-i mā (Religious Pluralism in our Perspective). Journal of Islamic Theology. 2007.
Sharī’at Fāragīr va Jāhanī va Nasikh Sharāyiʿ Pīshīn, (The Universal Shari’at and the Abrogator of the Previous Sharayiʿ). Journal of Islamic Theology. 2007
Gūshe’ī az Munāzirātpi kalāmī (A Brief Account of Theological Debates), Journal of Islamic Theology.1995.
Āmūzi-i hāy-i Ghīyām-i ʿĀshūrā (The Teachings of the ʿĀshūrā Movement), Journal of Islamic Theology, 2008.
Kūdāmyik az du ṭaʿbīr ṣaḥīḥ āst, “Kitāba Allah va ʿItratī Ahl al-Baytī” ya “Kītāba Allah va Sunnatī”, (Which one of these two title is correct: the Qur’an and my ʿItrah or the Qur’an and my Sunnah) Journal of Islamic Theology. 1995.
PhD (Philosophy of Religion) University of Edinburgh, 2019
MA (Interfaith relations) University of Glasgow, 2009
Post-doctoral level course (Kharij), Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Seminary of Qom, 1991-2002
Supervisor: Ayatollah Mirza Javad Tabrizi
Post-doctoral level course (Kharij), Principles of Jurisprudence (ʿIlm Usul al-Fiqh), Seminary of Qom, 1991-2002
Supervisor: Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani
Advanced Islamic Philosophy (Asfar); under the personal supervision of Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli, 1997-2002
Advanced Philosophy and Theology, Imam Sadiq Institute, (Qom) 1991-1995
Key modules: Philosophy, Theology, Hermeneutics, Logic and Ethics.
Advanced Interpretation of the Qur’an (Kharij Tafsir), 1988-2002
Supervisor: Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli
BA, Islamic Studies, Seminary of Qom, 1983-1991
Key modules: Arabic literature, logic, Islamic philosophy, Quranic sciences, interpretation of the Quran, the Theological Schools of Thought (Milal va Nihal), the science of narrators and narrations(ʾIlm al-Rijal and al- Dirayah), Theology, Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and the Principles of the science of jurisprudence (ʾIlm Usul al- Fiqh)
Advanced Islamic Philosophy (Sharḥ-i Manẓūmih al-Sabzivārī)
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in The Elements of Islamic Metaphysics (Main texts for each course respectively: Bidāyah al-Ḥikmah and Nihāyah al-Ḥikmah) – The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Logic. The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Ethics. The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Philosophy of Religion: Hermeneutics, Epistemology, Religious Pluralism, Religious Experience. The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Theology. The Islamic College, Imam Sadiq Institute
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the history of the Islamic Schools of Thought (milal and nihal). The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in The Principles of Jurisprudence. The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Jurisprudence. The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in the exegesis of the Qur’an (sequential and thematic). The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in the science of narrators and narration (‘ilm al-rijal and al-dirayah). The Islamic College, Seminary of Qom
Undergraduate courses in Arabic Grammar. The Islamic College, University of Qom
Work Experiences
Senior Lecturer, The Islamic College.
Director, al-Mahdi Islamic Institute, Glasgow. 2002-2019.
Senior Lecturer, Imam Ṣādiq Institute, Qom.
Lecturer, University of Qom.
Visiting lecturer, Āzād University of Marvdasht.
Lecturer, Seminary of Qom.
Please find a full CV as well as Book titles published by
Philosophy, Theology, Philosophy of Religion, Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh), the Principles of jurisprudence (ʿIlm Uṣūl al-Fiqh), the science of narrators and narrations (ʿilm al-rijāl and dirāyah), history of Islam.
New Release
- Classical Texts
Shi‘i Theology (Kashf al-Murad fi Sharh Tajrid al-I‘tiqad)
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