ISD216 – Readings in Hadith Studies

This module intends to furnish the student with the practical skills required for reading and critically analysing the content of a hadith and cross-referencing the chains of narrators in hadith collections with the data in biographical collections. As such the module aims to train students in reading ahadith in their original Arabic, in the process familiarizing them with terminology and technical expressions, significant narrators, the content of some important hadith collections, and how to apply the skills they acquired in their Hadith Studies module and to improve upon them.
Module Title : Readings in Hadith Studies
Module Type: Designated
Program: BA Islamic Studies
Prerequisite(s): Hadith Studies (ISC211)
Credit(s): 10
Module Code: ISD216
Semester: ---
Component(s): Written examination: 80% - Oral examination: 20%


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