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MIN 408 – Classical Islamic History

The course aims to provide the opportunity to approach the Muslim world from its historical perspective. It will explore the historical, cultural, theological and ideological factors and questions that dictated their response and moulded the policies developed by the theologians, jurists and the caliphs of the day to deal with passing internal and external problems. The course explores the history of Islam up to the decline of the Qurayshi power. It critically examines the theory that the power thrust bloc who laid the foundation for the feudal military rule that dominated the Muslim world for centuries gradually defeated the representatives of the religious values.
Module Title : Classical Islamic History
Module Type: Designated
Program: MA/PG - Equivalent Dip Islamic Studies Distance Education (DE)
Prerequisite(s): none
Credit(s): 15
Module Code: MIN 408
Semester: 2
Component(s): Activities: 30% Review Questions & Discussion Group: 10% Final Essay: 60%


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