By Alexander Khaleeli
27 June – 01 August 2018
Wednesdays 18:00 – 21:00
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At the heart of our existence burns a question: ‘Why am I here?’ It is a question each of us must answer if we are to puzzle out our place in the Cosmos. But then why is the Cosmos here, or anything for that matter? Why is there something rather than nothing? Theists say that God is the best explanation of our existence, but is this just a comforting thought or can this claim be supported with evidence? Is there any proof that God exists?
This course aims to familiarize students with the main arguments for God’s existence, their relative strengths and weaknesses, and possible atheist counter-arguments to them. It will look at the contributions made by leading proponents of both theism and atheism and take into account the latest relevant scientific theories.
Registration is mandatory but no fee is required.
Topics to be covered included:
- What is the relationship between religion and science?
- An introduction to the New Atheists and their writings.
- Is there more to reality than just matter?
- Evolution vs. Intelligent Design.
- Fine-tuning vs. The Multiverse.
- The Big Bang, Quantum Physics, and the Cosmological Argument.
- The Ontological Arguments of St. Anselm and Ibn Sina.
For more information please click here.