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Masters in Islamic Studies at The Islamic College


Islamic studies is quickly becoming one of the most popular subjects to study. As Islam begins to play a more influential role in current events, both in the UK and abroad, a deeper understanding of its core principles, its history and its future has never been more important. At the Islamic College, our Master’s programme in Islamic Studies is unique because it offers an insider’s view of Islam. Students are exposed to a variety of academic perspectives on Islam and encouraged to engage in critical thinking and take up ground-breaking research on various aspects of Islam and Muslim civilisation. Our lecturers are foremost experts in areas ranging from Quranic sciences, Islamic law and jurisprudence, as well as current issues in the Muslim world with special reference to Muslims in Europe. As one of our students, you can expect to be challenged academically and to develop rewarding and lasting relationships with our community of staff and students.

“I love the diversity of thoughts and perspectives we are exposed to. I think this is incredibly important as it encourages students to question and understand different perspectives, promoting mutual respect and tolerance of different opinions.” –
– Hoda Elsayed,
MA Islamic Studies

The Core Modules of the MA in Islamic Studies include:DSC00212
•Sources of Islamic Knowledge
•Islamic Theology
•Methods and Perspectives in Islamic Studies

Designated Modules offered also include:
•Islamic Law
•Islamic Mysticism
•Islamic Philosophy
•Authority in Shi’a Islam
•Classical Islamic History
•Islam and Modern Politics and Modernity

As well as studying core subjects, you will have the opportunity to take modules dealing with the current discussions taking place within the Muslim world, such as:
•The role of women
•The relationship between Islam and government
•The status of Muslims living in the West.

“I always wanted to study more about my religion, especially with the current increasing Islamophobia, I think it is important for us Muslims to be more educated about our religion. I spent most of my life time studying pharmacy and working in the health sector. I am honoured here in this College to have famous religious experts in my community as my teachers. As Muslim women, we normally don’t have much access to our religious leaders as we created a boundary, although they are willing to be part of our journey in this life. Therefore, it is of enormous importance to have this possibility to increase my knowledge and share my enthusiasm with students and be part of my community.”
– Maad Raji,
Islamic Studies Student

This programme gives a comprehensive understanding of Islam as both a way of life and a system of belief. The Islamic College offers a unique environment for the study of Islam. Our focus is purely the study of Islam and Muslim societies and we have become a specialist centre for teaching and research in this field. All MA classes take place in the evenings offering flexibility to those working during the day. Students also have access to the student journal, distance learning and the library facilities.

“The lecturers were fantastic! My favourite class was Methods and Perspectives in Islamic Studies which was clearly helpful for understanding different methodologies and how they can impact on ideas and conclusions within the Islamic world.”
– Zahra Kamal,
MA Islamic Studies Student

“The MA programme in Islamic Studies surpassed my expectations and I have found it thoroughly enjoyable. From ‘Theology’ to ‘Islam and Modern Politics’, the diversity of the course offerings perfectly fitted my interest in Islamic Studies.”
– Huda Fartousi,
Islamic Studies Student

First published in the Islam Today magazine:



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