The Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies (JSIS) is a refereed academic journal published quarterly by ICAS Press for the Islamic College in London. The journal conscientiously aims to provide a scholarly platform for critical and informed articles in all fields of Shi‘a studies, including but not limited to, theology, philosophy, mysticism, law, jurisprudence, politics, history, Qur’an and hadith studies. Such articles cover the most debate-worthy issues in the aforementioned fields in the hope of ultimately contributing to the resolution of various theoretical, methodological, and practical dilemmas encountered in Shi‘a Islamic studies. JSIS also introduces and presents a variety of classical Shi‘a works that may be academically valuable to researchers in this field but have remained largely unknown to them. The journal dedicates a section of its publication to the critical assessment and vigorous review of books and publications, both old and new, concerning Shi‘a studies. It is hoped that through such efforts JSIS will remain a valuable reference and resource for those researching and undertaking Shi‘a studies.
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