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The Challenges of Modernity and Muslim Responses

Monday: 8th June (18:30 – 20:30)BST

Fridays : 12th June (18:30 – 20:30)BST

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A Short Course on “The Challenges of Modernity and Muslim Responses”

A Thought-Provoking and Enlightening Short Course at the Islamic College

Ever since the first encounters between an expansionist west and Muslim societies, who have been ‘in holiday from history’, in the early 17h century, Muslims have been trying to come up with effective responses to the challenges presented to them as a result of this unexpected engagement. The present short course intends to provide you with both a panoramic view of Muslim reactions to modernity since their first glimps of it a few centuries ago and a specific account of a rather representative response. To this end, in the two sessions of the Course the following topics will be discussed:

Session 1:

  • What is This Thing Called Modernity?
  • From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
  • A Typology of Muslin Responses to Modernity

Session 2:

  • A Response for All Seasons:
  • Dr Ali Shariati, a Revolutionary Reformer

The most important issues related to the topics of the course will be discussed and you will be able to put the questions you wish to know more about to the class and also participate in the virtual class discussions.

All classes, in accordance with the current regulations, are presented online.

Registration is mandatory




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