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ISC314 – Islamic Commercial and Criminal Law

This module consists of two parts which collectively try to look at the main features of Islamic commercial and criminal law with reference to the major Islamic schools of law. In criminal law, apart from exploring the concepts of crime and punishment in Islam, the module examines major features of judicial procedures, and conditions and liabilities of witnesses in Islamic courts. In commercial law, it will look at the key concepts and ideas within the field of Islamic economics relating them to contemporary economic theory and practice including finance. It aims to equip students with a basic understanding of both the classical legal formulations and an awareness of modern application in different settings.
Module Title : Islamic Commercial and Criminal Law
Module Type: Core
Program: BA Islamic Studies
Prerequisite(s): Islamic Commercial and Criminal Law
Credit(s): 20
Module Code: ISC314
Semester: ---
Component(s): Coursework: 50% - Written examination: 50%


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